After Dark Drop-In Tutoring

Available to all UCI students, you can drop by the LARC Study Lounge ALP 3700 after hours to study or work through your questions for free with LARC Leaders in specific subjects.
- LARC After Dark Schedule Drop-in tutoring in the Anteater Learning Pavilion 3700 – 3750
LARC After Dark Schedule
Find LARC After Dark on ZotPASS!
Free Drop-In Tutoring is available Tues, Wed & Thurs 6pm-7:50pm Week 3 – 10
Winter 2024 Schedule: Starting Week 3**
ALP 3750 Writing Center Tutors
(starting Week 2: Tuesday through Thursday 5pm – 8pm)

Bio D103, D104, D170, M122, N115B
Math 2E, 5A/5B, 13
Stats 7
CompSci 67
Bio D103, M122
Math 2E, 3A/3D, 5A/5B, 13
Stats 7, 8
Bio D103, M122, N115B
Math 5A/5B
CompSci 67