After Dark Drop-In Tutoring

ALP 3rd floor study lounge photo


Available to all UCI students, you can drop by the LARC Study Lounge ALP 3700 after hours to study or work through your questions for free with LARC Leaders in specific subjects. 


  • LARC After Dark Schedule Drop-in tutoring in the Anteater Learning Pavilion 3700 – 3750

LARC Summer Drop-in Tutoring Schedule

Summer Session I Schedule: available for all UCI students. Week 2 through Week 5 (Closed Wed July 3rd and Thursday July 4th Due to Campus Holiday)

Wednesdays In-person:
Find ALP on campus

9am – 10:50am
Bio D103 in ALP 3720

11am – 12:50pm
Bio 93, 98 in ALP 3720

Tuesdays / Thursdays Online:

5pm – 6:50pm (PST)
ICS 6B, 31, 32, 33, 45C, 46 (Zoom Link)

6pm – 7:50pm (PST)
Physics 3B & 7 series (Zoom Link)

LARC Drop-in Tutoring Summer Schedule Session1: Bio 93, 98, D103; ICS 6B, 31, 32, 33, 45C, 46; Physics 3B & 7 series Summer session 2: Bio 94, 97; math 1B, 2D; ICS 31, 32, 33, 45C, 46, 191, 171