Workshops & Academic Coaching

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Enhance your study skills! Reserve your spot in a free 50-minute workshop or meet with an academic coach to improve your academic performance.


  • Workshop Description
  • Science Behind Workshops
  • Academic Coaching
  • Video: Spacing
  • Check out calendar of workshops & events

Workshop Descriptions

  1. Setting Academic Goals: Start your quarter strong by setting effective goals. We’ll show you how!
  2. Tools for Managing Your Time: Love planners? Loathe them? Join us for a dive into two time management approaches and specific tools to help you get things done.
  3. Successful Study Groups: Join us to discuss some best practices for creating and maintaining study groups, and some strategies for learning together.
  4. Study Smart with Dual Coding: Do you like making mindmaps? What about flashcards? You may benefit from a proven learning technique called Dual Coding. In this workshop, we’ll discuss how dual coding works and how you can incorporate it into your study habits to improve long-term retention of information.
  5. Preparing for Exams: Join us for test-day tips and insights into the science of learning that you can start using right away to improve your performance.
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People Studying Photo

Science Behind Workshops

LARC workshops, coaching, and tutorials provide interactive experiences as well as strategies students can begin applying right away. Our goal is to connect students with proven strategies based on current research about learning, so they can comprehend and retain more information long-term, whether they’re collaborating with others or learning on their own. In addition to the practices below, we also promote self-reflection, wellness practices, growth mindset, and goal-setting as tools for self-efficacy.

Four Learning Practices LARC promotes:

  1. Spacing, or Distributed Practice
  2. Retrieval, or Self-testing
  3. Dual Coding
  4. Interleaving

Academic Coaching

Meet with an academic coach 1:1 for personalized learning strategies, improved time management, and encouraging support.

Peer Academic Coach: ALP 3500

Check out CampusGroups for office hour options.

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LARC Study Skills Spacing

LARC Study Skills Retrieval

Check Our Calendar Of Events