Study Tips & Tools
How can I find academic support on campus?
Whether you are a new or returning student, knowing where and how to access academic support can play a huge role in your success. Fortunately, UC Irvine offers a wide variety of resources and services specifically designed to help students achieve their learning...
How can I prepare for the transition as an incoming student?
Becoming a university student is exciting! However, it’s also a big adjustment, and it’s natural to feel the anticipation and stress that comes with any new experience. Before you set foot on campus, here are a few tips to help you prepare for the transition. Consider...
Study Strategy: Spaced Practice
FOR STUDENTS, FOR RESEARCHERS, FOR TEACHERS, LEARNING SCIENTISTS POSTS Spaced Practice Spaced practice is the exact opposite of cramming. When you cram, you study for a long, intense period of time close to an exam. When you space your learning, you take that same...
Exam Prep 101
Hey Anteaters, here are some study tips you can include into your studying routine! We wish you the best of luck on your exams and are rooting for you. This is also a reminder to take breaks throughout the day, get enough sleep, eat, and drink water! We believe in you...
Online Learning Tips: Managing Your Time Online
Managing your time online is an essential skill to master in college. Taking online courses may introduce new challenges, distractions, and responsibilities, but here are a few helpful tips to be time efficient. Treat Your Online Time Like In-person Class Time Even...
Creating An Effective Remote Workspace
Taking classes at a university requires you to travel from classes, to the library, coffee shops, office hours, and countless other locations to get your day to day tasks completed. All of these are environments that are created with functionality and use in mind....
Study Strategy: Interleaving
How to Study Using... Interleaving FOR STUDENTS, FOR RESEARCHERS, FOR TEACHERS, LEARNING SCIENTISTS POSTS By: Yana Weinstein & Megan Smith This is the fourth in a series of six posts designed to help students learn how to study effectively. The purpose is to...
Study Strategy: Retrieval Practice
Learn How to Study Using... Retrieval Practice FOR STUDENTS, FOR PARENTS, FOR TEACHERS, LEARNING SCIENTISTS POSTS By: Megan Smith & Yana Weinstein The purpose of today’s post is to give students a resource to help them take charge of their own learning. We’re...
LARC Video: Retrieval Practice
Testing your memory is brain exercise! The more you test yourself, the stronger the memory and connections get, so you can recall information when you need it. See how previous LARC Leaders Mario and Regina use Retrieval Practice.
Learning Scientists Study Strategy: Using Elaboration
Learn How to Study Using... Elaboration FOR STUDENTS, FOR RESEARCHERS, FOR TEACHERS, LEARNING SCIENTISTS POSTS By: Megan Smith & Yana Weinstein This is the second post in a series designed to help students learn how to study effectively. You can find the first...
Check out LARC Schedule of Events
See upcoming workshops and important dates.