Resources for Incoming Students

How can I find academic support on campus?
Whether you are a new or returning student, knowing where and how to access academic support can play a huge role in your success. Fortunately, UC Irvine offers a wide variety of resources and services specifically designed to help students achieve their learning...

How the UCI LARC Empowers Student Success: Interview with a LARC Leader
Within the Division of Undergraduate Education at the University of California, Irvine (UC Irvine), there are several programs and units that students can turn to for academic help. For instance, the UCI Learning and Academic Resource Center (LARC) was established to...

What do I need to know about academic integrity?
As a UC Irvine student, practicing academic integrity is incredibly important. Not only does upholding academic integrity standards ensure that you make the most of your education, but it also ensures that you do not face the serious repercussions that come with...

Study Strategies, Avoiding Burnout, and Overcoming Impostor Syndrome: An Interview with LARC Director Trace Yulie
Earlier this year, Trace Yulie, Director of the UCI Learning and Academic Resource Center (LARC), was interviewed by UCI literary journalism student Jesse Angeles for the KUCI News show the Campus Skinny. Together, they discussed study strategies, avoiding burnout,...

How can I avoid procrastination?
Whether you are a new or returning student, procrastination can be tricky to deal with. While everyone has procrastinated at some point in their lives, chronic procrastination can have negative impacts on your academic performance and mental, emotional, and even...

Your End-of-Quarter Checklist
If you’re reading this, chances are it’s almost time for the end of the quarter, and all the hard work you’ve put into your courses is culminating in final exams, written assignments, and special projects or presentations. Here’s some advice for that end-of-quarter...

How can I maintain healthy habits during exams and other times of stress?
With final exams right around the corner, many students may be feeling the pressure. If you are a new student who hasn’t yet experienced finals at UCI, your feelings of stress and nervousness may be heightened. Unfortunately, we all know that stress has a negative...

How should I prepare for exams?
New students are often surprised by the format and difficulty of exams at UCI. This is because learning at a college level means being able to apply knowledge. Experts in their fields are showing you how to think like an expert! This goes a step above memorizing or...

What’s the best way to improve my comprehension and memory?
Did you know that there’s real science behind how we understand and remember? As a student, tapping into this science can help you study more effectively. To make the information stick, there are steps that you can take before, during, and after class. Here are some...

How do I take effective notes in a large lecture?
While you probably have experience taking notes, it’s always worth considering new strategies to be more effective. First, consider some of these scientific facts about note-taking: Summarizing information in your notes boosts understanding more than taking notes...

When and how should I seek out academic support?
With instruction for the 2024-25 academic year starting next week, incoming students might be feeling nervous about adapting to UCI’s academic environment. Because UCI prides itself on its culture of academic excellence, there are plenty of resources to help students...

How can I be proactive about my own success?
When we were in high school, much of our learning and day-to-day life was planned out for us, with things like deadlines, reminders, hall passes, and clearly-defined roles showing us the way. These structures go all the way back to our earliest schooling. Some...

How can I get the most out of Welcome Week?
UCI Welcome Week is right around the corner! As the name suggests, UCI Welcome Week is an annual event designed to welcome new and returning students to campus. Welcome Week is filled with fun social events and activities that allow students to meet and make friends...

How is learning different at a university?
As an incoming student, adjusting to UCI’s academic environment can be difficult for a variety of reasons. To help you overcome the challenges, here are some of our recommended strategies for learning success.

How can I prepare for the transition as an incoming student?
Becoming a university student is exciting! However, it’s also a big adjustment, and it’s natural to feel the anticipation and stress that comes with any new experience. Before you set foot on campus, here are a few tips to help you prepare for the transition. Consider...
Study Strategy: Spaced Practice
FOR STUDENTS, FOR RESEARCHERS, FOR TEACHERS, LEARNING SCIENTISTS POSTS Spaced Practice Spaced practice is the exact opposite of cramming. When you cram, you study for a long, intense period of time close to an exam. When you space your learning, you take that same...
How Long Should Your Naps Be?
Studies have shown that ~ 70% college students attain insufficient sleep & tend to experience sleep deprivation (Hershner & Chervin, 2014). This often leads to changes mood, memory, and work performance. With this in mind we want to give you tips about...
Tips For Dealing With Burnout
Staying focused on your school work can be hard sometimes, especially after a midterm or a Zoom heavy day. How do you avoid procrastination and build up the motivation to get started? If you find yourself needing a little extra encouragement, try one of the...

Exam Prep 101
Hey Anteaters, here are some study tips you can include into your studying routine! We wish you the best of luck on your exams and are rooting for you. This is also a reminder to take breaks throughout the day, get enough sleep, eat, and drink water! We believe in you...

Online Learning Tips: Managing Your Time Online
Managing your time online is an essential skill to master in college. Taking online courses may introduce new challenges, distractions, and responsibilities, but here are a few helpful tips to be time efficient. Treat Your Online Time Like In-person Class Time Even...
Check out LARC Schedule of Events
See upcoming workshops and important dates.