New to LARC?

LARC Tutorials are lecture specific so ensure you are enrolled in the tutorial that corresponds to your lecture. Think of your LARC Tutorial Leader as a coach; they can teach you strategies, but you still have to practice on your own if you want to win!
- Expectations
- Your 1st day at LARC Video
- Attendance & Campus Holidays
- LARC Tutorial Tips
- Student Testimonials
- Leaders facilitate learning by modeling key concepts and strategies and by organizing peer-to-peer activities.
- There may be times when your Leader is the only one talking, but they are not a teacher so will not cover everything from lecture.
- Most of your session will consist of interactive participation, and you may even be asked to demonstrate your own problem-solving to the group. Trust your LARC Leader to guide you through the learning process to independence.

Attendance & Campus Holidays:
- Students must enroll before attending and only attend their tutorial date/time
- Due to Leader emergencies, such as illness, your leader may cancel up to 2 tutorials sessions. Your tutor will make every effort to find a substitute before cancelling any tutorials.
- LARC Offices / Tutorials will be closed during UCI Campus Holidays. For student equity, if a holiday falls on a tutorial day, LARC Tutorials will be closed on that day and the corresponding day. For example if a holiday falls on a Monday, LARC Tutorials are closed that Monday AND the following Tuesday in order to maintain equity among students.
- You can check your attendance on the ‘My Tutorials’ page on the LARC Enrollment Website
Tutorial Tips
- Be prepared! Attend and participate in your lectures and discussion sections. Complete your readings and other assigned work.
- Be considerate! Arrive on time and be supportive of fellow students.
- Be courageous! Speak up even when you’re uncertain. Making mistakes is actually important to learning.
- Be proactive! Bring your questions but be ready to seek out your own knowledge, too.

Testimonials From Previous LARC Students
Check out LARC Schedule & Enroll Online!
See if your lecture is supported by LARC this quarter.